Sunday Worship: 9:30 am
Discussion Hour: 10:30 am Emmanuel usually alternates between in-person gatherings and gathering on Zoom. Watch EUCC York to see what we are doing any given week. To join our Zoom sessions, contact us through email for login information - your microphone will be muted once the service begins except when we are invited to participate, by reading scripture or commenting, and during our discussion hour. We now gather on Zoom on most first Fridays at 1:30 pm for a time of visiting, fellowship, and games. Both Zoom sessions each week require a password. If you would like to join us on Sunday Zoom sessions, just request the password and we will send it to you. ([email protected]). For Friday sessions Zoom information and schedule, contact [email protected] "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey - you are welcome here." PASTOR: Supply Pastor: Jamie Gruber Contact information: [email protected] P.O. Box 20698 York, PA 17402 |
![]() An Open and Affirming Congregation
of the United Church of Christ Emmanuel United Church of Christ
LOCATION: 100 Haybrook Drive, York, PA 17406 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 20698 York, PA 17402 E-MAIL: [email protected] Facebook Pages: EUCC York and Emmanuel York UCC Identity Statement:
Spiritual sojourners enthusiastically working to build a better world Mission Statement: Our foundations are Christian, and we welcome all, no matter where they are on life’s journey, of any or no tradition or faith, that we may learn from one another. We are united in our desire to discern the meaning to be found in all sacred and secular traditions, to grow in wisdom and integrity, and to actively sustain a creative and constructive presence in the world. Offering support for each other throughout the cycles of life, we gather regularly for devotional fellowship and discussion, embracing the historic principle: In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity. |

At the beginning of our worship experience as covenant participants, we each lit a candle to represent ourselves as well as others who became a convenant participant or who hold this congregation in their thoughts.